Wednesday 25 January 2012

dancing with the atmosphere

breathe into it.
it gets easier
as you swing, hanging miles above any sort of ground you've ever known
feel the air rush through your body
in one ear and out your big toe.
imagine you are dying
imagine you are craving the most delicious thing you have ever thought of
and then
that is where you are standing.
at the top of everything.
the place reserved for those people
who truly, honestly feel it.
who get it like that's what they were born to do.
embrace it.
admire it from afar.
reach out and grab it - wrap yourself in it.
it feels silky, no?
fall into it.
plunge, headfirst into the icy depths of it
and twirl as though you have nowhere else you will ever need to be.
imagine it soaking into every exposed part of flesh you give it
and then give it more.
because for this moment, this second, this instant.
it's you.
it's you and all you and pure you and clothed you and naked you and smiling you and devastated you.

it's in the air you have crawled out of and the oxygen you will breathe in.
breathe into it.
(it gets easier.)
and then continue on.

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